Digital Marketing Designed to Drive Revenue
Digital Ads
Harness Your Geofence to Supercharge Growth
With Welcomemat’s digital marketing tools, you are able to quickly increase new customer and member growth. Reach your local customers where they are – on digital and mobile.

Geofence Marketing
Targeting a geographic area with max precision allows Welcomemat clients the ability to get the right digital ad in front of the right consumer at the right time. Welcomemat’s geofencing strategy can be used to protect and provide growth through defining an exact geography and targeting consumers who live within the geofence or who are commuting by your location. This targeting strategy gives you the confidence to know you are casting the proper digital net to drive maximum growth for your organization.
Perfect Match – Data Modeled Digital Targeting
Welcomemat’s more than decade-long data-driven local marketing experience has allowed for the development of “look-a-like” data models. These models are overlayed on top of your geofence so we only target those who are most likely to be your long-term customer – leveraging tactics that drive more revenue and reduce ad spend waste.

Social Media Ads
Social media ads leverage a geofence, and unlike organic social or even boosted posts, this strategy uses the Facebook and Instagram platform to capture leads and drive growth. Data capture from social ads can be a cornerstone of growth marketing and can give you a strong competitive advantage as you digitally capture new customers from this digital strategy.
Community Digital Ads
Neighborhood based digital ads can allow you to digitally target neighborhoods in your trade area. This strategy gives you a neighborhood and community-based digital ad strategy. Capturing consumers who are on local neighborhood social media gives you the unique ability to penetrate those neighborhoods which can produce the best long term customers. Through data capture techniques and combining SMS and email, community digital ads are becoming a more relevant piece of a local digital marketing strategy.

Local Mapping Digital Ads
Are you looking to get noticed by drivers who are driving by or searching in their mapping application for your service? Map targeting is a strong compliment to businesses that rely on local traffic. Raising brand awareness and promoting action through people who are searching for your business type inside a map, can be huge competitive advantage for local businesses.
Fully Integrated Digital Marketing Tools That Are Measureable
Welcomemat’s digital marketing platform combines the strength of several digital strategies built to all work together to drive leads and capture data – digital ads, geofencing, landing pages, data capture, sms, email, retargeting, and sophisticated programming make up the proper formula for digital growth.
With this integration comes real-time results. All of Welcomemat’s ad strategies are measured in real-time on Welcomemat GTX – Welcomemat’s marketing dashboard. for Track and measure metrics in real time, review how ads and creative are performing, what campaigns are working the best, member conversions, ROI, and much more through the power of Welcomemat GTX.