Local New Mover Marketing
Target New Movers Throughout the Moving Cycle
Welcomemat’s Digital New Movers Programs crack the code for reaching the rich new mover audience online both pre- and post-move.
Reaching new movers as they are going through the moving cycle creates tremendous opportunities for businesses, and Welcomemat is a trusted industry leader in reaching this valuable audience. Home services, healthcare, banking, utilities are just a few of the industries that are leveraging our Digital New Movers audiences.

Connect with new movers as they prepare and plan for their move. Start creating familiarity with your brand ahead of the move.
As new movers are entering their home, they are choosing providers and making important immediate decisions.
During this phase of the moving cycle, new movers are choosing brands, forming habits and seeking out businesses and services to fill their daily, weekly and monthly needs.
New Mover Marketing Strategies
Gain Access to the Highly Sought-After New Mover Segment in Your Local Community

An average of 14.9% of the US population moves each year¹

A precisely-timed gift or ad, sent to a new homebuyer, can change someone’s shopping pattern and loyalty for years²

New residents are 5x more likely to become loyal customers³

New Families live in their new homes for 5.2 years on avg

Nearly three-quarters of respondents (71%) made major move-related purchases as part of a household move. Furniture topped the list (51%), followed closely by appliances (48%) then electronics (29%)4
¹Graebel Van Lines ²New York Times ³IBID 4Epsilon
Premove Digital Ads
Welcomemat has developed a 3 tiered audience strategy for reaching new movers ahead of the move. Welcomemat uses a proprietary digital audience strategy that puts your business in front of movers as they go through their move and gives your brand an advantage over the competition.
Welcomemat’s 3-Tiered Approach allows you to harness the power of new mover marketing on digital and social throughout the consumer move cycle!

For nearly 2 decades, Welcomemat has helped local businesses target new movers in the direct mail space through our proprietary new mover program. Data analysis and modeling tools applied to 16+ years of Welcomemat responder data have helped us capture strong attributes that link a mover and response propensity. Add in further analytics including psychographics and sociographics and you have one of the strongest digital models for pre- and post-movers.


Welcomemat has formal agreements with national brands that give access to consumer audiences who are in the process of moving and changing addresses. These powerful relationships give Welcomemat unique access to consumers through digital targeting throughout the entire move cycle.
Local New Mover Direct Mail

Welcomemat offers the most technologically advanced new mover marketing program to grow your customer base every month in your local community
Through timely, targeted, and trackable direct mail marketing technology we connect your business with new movers in the community when they are most likely to form business loyalties in their new neighborhood. New movers are nobody’s customers, yet…reach them first then they are 5X more likely to stay loyal to your business.
Targeting through Welcomemat’s nationally acclaimed direct mail package allows you to target new movers as they are shifting to the settle-in phase of the move cycle.
Local Community Digital Targeting

Welcomemat’s digital community targeting strategy allows you to target movers digitally after moving day. This strategy is perfect for presenting your brand and service to consumers when they are beginning to look for businesses and services to fill their needs.