4 Marketing Ideas to Follow Up on Small Business Saturday

Apr 15, 2020

A how-to guide to help local business owners build off their #SmallBusinessSaturday success and keep their local customers coming back.

Now that the success and rush of Small Business Saturday is over, you’ve likely already started to consider ways to get your recent customers back into your store quickly. Follow these great local marketing tips from Welcomemat Services and you’ll be their go-to neighborhood shop in no time!

  1. Send a Thank You Note

A thank you goes a long way with anyone, but especially with those that just spent money at your business. Sending a thank you note will make you stand out from other retailers and help your customers feel appreciated. By making the shopping and follow up experience memorable, your customers are more likely to come back and see you more quickly. So take a moment and use those  email addresses you’ve been collecting and send a thank you message before they finish their holiday shopping!

  1. Be Engaging on Social Media

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with your customer base and the greater community. Facebook is an easy and effective way to share relevant updates, post product photos, and showcase your business. The key is finding ways to engage with your customers online. Welcomemat suggests that you try a fun contest and offer a gift certificate to your store. You’ll create a buzz online and are guaranteed to get at least one happy shopper. Make sure you post signs around your store encouraging people to follow you on social media throughout the year!

  1. Support Your Community

Make an effort to be an active and giving member in your community. Your customers will notice your involvement and efforts to make the whole community a better place to live. In turn they will find extra satisfaction in supporting your local business and passing on recommendations for your business to the rest of the community. Support local charities, attend local sporting events, sponsor local school events, etc. – find ways to show that you care about the community that you live in.

  1. Hire Great Staff

The staff that works on the floor of your store is a direct reflection of your business, brand, and mission. As Forbes said: customers will remember their experience, good or bad, more vividly than they remember your brand logo. Ensuring that your customers have an excellent experience in your shop will make them more likely to return more quickly. With that in mind, make it a priority to hire staff that will represent your store well and keep your customers wanting to come back.

Marketing to new local customers is always crucial – not just after a big event. Owning a business is demanding and stressful enough as is, so let Welcomemat Services be your turnkey local marketing solution and take that worry off your hands.

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