Why Our Direct Mail Works Better

Dec 21, 2021

Welcomemat vs. Traditional Direct Mail

Welcomemat is a loyalty platform targeting consumers who have the highest probability of becoming loyal. The audience is the core of the program, and while direct mail is one piece of the Welcomemat cross-media platform, the most important aspect is the new mover.

When comparing Welcomemat to traditional and standard direct mail marketing solutions, it’s clear that Welcomemat goes way beyond the typical mailer. Listed below are some differences.


  1. Specifically pinpoints “nobody’s customers” – putting a gift in the hand of those consumers who have the highest probability of becoming regulars.Welcomemat delivers a Gift To Try—creating reciprocity and long term loyalty for participating businesses.
  2. Welcomemat has seen response rates ranging from 2%-40% depending on the business type and offer.
  3. Welcomemat drives new loyalty with a steady stream of fresh new customers. Reaches a new group of movers every month and people who are not typically your customers already.
  4. Welcomemat can be tracked through technology and is personalized for each recipient.
  5. Putting a gift in the hand of someone who moves into the neighborhood is the beginning of a sincere relationship for the business. A unique one-time gift creates a loyal customer that will pay full rate for the next 5.6 years while they live in the area.
  6. Welcomemat’s patented technology allows for information to be automatically captured from the new mover creating a path for future communication through thank you cards and remarketing. Demographics are also available.
  7. The Welcomemat platform ties in hands-off powerful social media exposure for your business that speaks to the new mover through additional media.
  8. The Welcomemat platform delivers automated thank you notes to those who redeem the Welcomemat gifts at your location—delivering a powerful second touch.
  9. Welcomemat offers mobile tools to capture email and adds a secondary layer of frequency tracking of your new loyal customers.
  10. Welcomemat allows for hypertargeting so you can select your specific trade area and local community avoiding waste by targeting too large of an area.

Traditional Direct Mail:

  1. Traditional direct mail blankets an area where consumers most likely already have shopping habits and loyalties.
  2. Direct mail typically Delivers Coupon Type Offers.
  3. Response rates are typically in the .5-1% rate.
  4. Direct mail delivered coupons can be tricky in that people that are most receptive to coupons tend to be more loyal to the deal than the place it takes them.
  5. Traditional direct mail can deliver offers to your current customer base—discounting people who would normally be paying full rate.
  6. Traditional direct mail marketing is difficult to track and is generally non-unique mass printed pieces blanked across an area.
  7. Users of traditional direct mail coupons can be the harshest critics of businesses and expect a lot for a little. This can lead to negative online reviews, unhappy staff, etc.
  8. Couponing through traditional direct mail can lead to training your customers to wait for the next deal before they visit.
  9. Typical direct mail marketing doesn’t allow for capturing user information.
  10. Typical direct mail doesn’t often tie in secondary media or social media touches.
  11. Typical direct mail does not have the intelligence to learn who the users are.
  12. Typical direct mail doesn’t tie in mobile technology.
  13. Direct mail generally hits a large area and often times well outside of a business’s trade area so there can be a lot of wasted exposures.
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