4 Ways to Implement Effective Local Marketing Strategies

Sep 21, 2020

Leave the fleeting marketing strategies in 2018, it’s time to implement effective local marketing strategies that will reap profit and return for your business this year.

1. Promotional items

As a small business, marketing can be costly if you’re not allocating money in the right ways. Ideally, you want to incorporate the strategies that provide maximum return at affordable prices. Promotional products are a low cost, high return option to integrate into your marketing plan in 2019.

Studies show that giving out promotional items makes customers feel valued and even more inclined to frequent the business. We all have that one free mug or flash drive we received from a local business some point or another in our lives because- who doesn’t love a freebie?

Once you picked up that free mug, you took it home and used it every Sunday morning for coffee, ultimately resulting in around the clock advertising for that business. These products will help keep your brand top of mind to consumers.

Some other effective promotional products to consider are stickers, coasters, cups, bags and lip balm, however mugs and t-shirts are among the most popular. Having a business card is great but most of the time those end up in the trash. So, this year, put your logo on things people actually want and hand them out at events or even leave them at your front desk for some great brand exposure that’s guaranteed to stick around.

2. Collect customer information

Customer information is one of the most important local marketing strategies for small businesses. This is gold to a business owner. Having access to customer names, preferences, addresses, etc. will allow you to market to current and potential customers directly. It’s proven that customers respond better to emails that are personalized, especially with their first name.

There are plenty of ways to collect customer information, but which are most beneficial? You can collect contact details and names from orders and transaction history, which will also show you how this customer spends and how often. You can even add in a birth date as an “optional” field to capture and then send a special gift or message on the customer’s birthday to make them feel that much more special!

Welcomemat’s targeted marketing programs provide your business with reporting each month containing valuable customer data. These data reports can be used for any remarketing, retargeting or research your business does on customer habits. Be wary that there are complex laws surrounding business’ collection of data and make sure to ask customers their preferences when you take their contact details.

3. Try something new

Step out of your comfort zone this year and try something new! Digital marketing is here to stay and if you don’t get on board, you’ll get left behind. Majority of people in the United States are active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so if you’re not on those sites, odds are you’re losing out on a lot of potential business.

While Facebook is the #1 social media platform in the US, Instagram has already passed one billion users and continues to appeal to a younger demographic (under 30). Judging by your target market, you can decide which platform will benefit your business most, if not both.

If you don’t have social pages for your business, it’s time to create them in 2019. Make sure your branding is consistent on all social pages to alleviate confusion with consumers and have a consistent voice across all platforms. This year make it a point to share real and engaging content with your customers where they already are, on the internet.

4. Stick to what works

With all of the new trends out there, it’s still important to do what you know works. Direct mail marketing has been a tried and true method of marketing for local businesses across the country for years, and it still is. Traditional direct mail sees an average of .5-2% response rates, however Welcomemat’s personalized and targeted direct mail marketing programs see anywhere from 4-15% response rates.

For the past 15 years, Welcomemat has offered turnkey marketing solutions to local businesses. Our programs are built for customer loyalty and retention by targeting new families that move to the area with a one-time “gift.” The Welcomemat program sets itself apart from average direct mail with full color designs, patented response tracking and personalized greetings on each piece of mail. local marketing strategies

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