5 Best Practices for Building Great Email Subject Lines

Aug 17, 2020

Make the most of your email marketing efforts! Get sky-high email open rates using these 5 best practices for building great email subject lines.

We live in a digital world. Many of us spend more time communicating through digital channels like email, text, and social media than through face-to-face verbal communications. In fact, a study came out recently that said 74% of Americans age 35 and younger prefer digital communications to in-person communications.

Given the strong preference for digital communications it should come as no surprise that 269 billion email messages are sent across the world each day!

While the high volume of emails sent implies that it’s the ideal platform to meet your customers where they already are, it’s also showcases how crowded the email marketing space is… Making your first impression – your subject line – very powerful!

Creating great subject lines is an art that requires thoughtful and strategic approach. So, before you send off your next email newsletter or start your next email marketing campaign, make sure you’re following these best 5 practices:

1. Personalize

Personalizing email subject lines can increase email open rates by up to 50%! Try adding the users first name, business city, or company name into the subject line to create instant relevance for the user. Try mentioning a local event or a topical reference to the local community.

Adding personalization is becoming easier to do with technology – just make sure you’re asking for the right information from your list to create personalized moments in your email marketing.

2. Trigger Emails

Immediately follow-up via email! Sending precisely timely email messages with subject lines that speak directly to the customer’s engagement is a great opportunity to make your email feel invited.

Consider adding email triggers after a customer signs up for your newsletter, completes a purchase, or schedules an appointment. Ensure that the trigger is clear in the subject line text and be sure to add other relevant content into the email to share other ways for the customer to use your business.

3. Peak Interest

You have a small window of time to peak interest in email marketing- and everyone is different! Try different tactics of engagement and keep a variety of styles in your regular communications to diversity your messages and keep different groups engaged.

Consider methods like: ask a question, giveaways, tell a story, set a deadline, a teaser, etc. It’s also important to consider your tone and whether your list reacts better to a more serious or playful tone.     

4. Use Emojis

Not only do emojis allow you to say a lot more in a single character, but they are means of expression. Knowing that mobile devices chop off your subject lines at 40 characters, it can be difficult to apply the imagery and exciting language that allows your email to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Adding emojis can create tone and relevancy to your emails, when used correctly. Avoid overusing emojis – try them sparingly at first and test if they are appropriate for your target audience.

5. Learn as You Go

Like most marketing, there is not a formula for success on email subject lines. It takes patience, analysis, and a lot of creativity to figure out what works for your audience. Be okay with testing new things and learning from both your successes and failures.

Consider using A/B testing or small group testing before you roll out a new concept to your whole database. While the goal of testing is to eventually learn what ‘works’, don’t be afraid to keep trying new ideas and deploying a variety of email subject lines that can appeal to a wider group of customers.

Email marketing can be a powerful tactic for your local business, but as with any marketing, consistency is necessary! If setting aside the time each month to craft, optimize, and send your email messages is not realistic then Welcomemat might be a great partner for your local business.

LEARN MORE about our local email marketing program and reach out today to talk with someone about how the program will benefit your business.

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