5 Small Business Marketing Image Tips

May 14, 2021

Your Top 5 Images to Share & Where

It feels like a Hollywood cliché, but it’s true: image is important! Whether it’s the idea of “dressing for the job you want” or even tidying up your house before guests arrive, your presentation is the foundation of others’ first impression of you. Last week, we talked about the fact that your social media and website are the new storefront. So how do you make sure your image is front and center?

We boiled it down to the 5 most important image types that you can share, and where you need to share them.

Your Logo

Go ahead and pull up an image of your business’s logo and examine it. Is it a little blurry? Is it outdated? Do you have copy accessible, or does it only exist in a small corner of your website? If so, it’s time for an upgrade. Make sure that you have a logo that’s clear, well-designed, and high-resolution, in a common file type such as a PNG file. If you start a print campaign (such as a Welcomemat New Mover program, perhaps?), having a high resolution copy of your logo will make your design work much quicker and more streamlined. And if you’ve got it displayed, it’ll make your business even more recognizable when customers visit your actual location.

WHERE TO SHARE: Google My Business, and as your profile picture on Facebook and Instagram

Your Storefront

Have you ever planned a trip to what looked like a great store or restaurant, or even a new dentist’s office, only to realize once you’d followed Google Maps to the location, you weren’t sure which place to go? Making sure to post a picture of your storefront is a great way to make sure that your customers can feel confident that they’re in the right place when they visit you in person.

WHERE TO SHARE: Google My Business, Facebook

Your Face

One of the best ways to make customers feel confident in your business is showing them the owner! In the same way that you get a boost of good feelings when the owner shakes your hand at your restaurant table or finds your size at a store, your customers get confidence from seeing you! If you’re a little camera shy, take a picture with your whole staff – let your customers know that they’re in good hands.

WHERE TO SHARE: Google my Business, Facebook, Instagram

Your Product

It’s always a good idea to let people know what they’re buying. Make sure you have great, well-lit images of your products on hand to share. Did a client get a particularly beautiful manicure? Grab a pic! Add a new menu item? Get a great, natural light photo to share. Showing off your products is a great way to let customers know the quality of your items.

WHERE TO SHARE: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google My Business – everywhere!

Your Customers

Nothing recommends a business more than the smiling faces of customers. With their permission, snap photos of customers having great experiences, whether it’s a bridal party that’s come in to your salon for the start of a magical day, a family celebrating their child’s birthday party at your restaurant or activity zone, or even a dad and his daughter bringing in her first car for a tune up. Sharing this sort of image across your social media is like an invitation to other potential customers, letting them know that you’re invested in your clients and that you love being part of their day.

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