6 Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Jul 5, 2021

In today’s competitive market, as hard as it is to get those new customers, it is harder to make sure your top performing employees & staff don’t leave you. The point is: if you are not making them happy, someone else is more likely to come steal them away from you.

One business concern that is most common amongst local business owners is how to retain their best employees. What can they do to prevent their best performing employees from leaving?

We at Welcomemat conducted a major study with local business owners about the one business challenge they felt most helpless about.

Employee retention was the top of all their minds.

If you are wondering the same, you are at the right place because, after speaking to trade experts and business owners, we have formulated a list of the top 6 ways to retain those valuable employees:

1. Create the right culture for your workplace

Make sure you are creating the right workplace culture for your employees to feel wanted, understood & like they are having fun at the same time. Endorse a culture where they can share their thoughts & concerns freely.

2. Hire employees who fit right in

In creating an atmosphere for your employees to thrive in, it is very important for you to evaluate your hiring process and make sure you are hiring the right candidates. Look for signs that tell you applicants are not job hoppers & are ready to commit to your long-term growth.

3. Offer training & equip employees with tools

It would not be fair to expect a staff member to perform at his/her best without giving them adequate training for the role or providing them with the right tools to optimize their performance. Always be responsive to better training & tools for your employees.

4. Provide guidance

One mistake that most employers make is forgetting about employees once they are hired. Provide constant guidance & feedback with an open mind to employees & staff in order to constantly improve their performance. They will feel much more comfortable at your work station if they know you are always there supporting them.

5. Pay competitively / as per they deserve

No matter how much you pay your staff, there is always a fear that a similar business is likely to steal them away by offering a higher pay package. The best way to tackle this is to offer competitive pay packages & performance-based incentives.

6. Infuse flexibility in employees’ schedules

Providing your employees & staff with flexible working schedules means they will be able to maintain a much better work life balance. This is a huge employee motivational factor and putting in the effort says a lot about you as an employer. Check with employees time and again to make sure they are comfortable with their work schedule & make alterations to it if need be.

You as a business owner need to be a positive role model—someone who your employees look up to & come to for advice, concerns, or feedback. In doing so, you will soon realize that employee retention is not that hard to achieve after all.

Write to us today to see how we can help grow your business in the community and equip you with more performance-based tools for your business.

Welcomemat helps your businesses with new mover marketing and introduces them to thousands of new movers every month. New movers who have just moved into your neighborhood and eking to find their local favorite businesses in the neighborhood. Become their favorite place before somebody else does.

Our program also gives you insights about them like their email addresses, demographic details and household trends for your future emailing campaigns.

Chat with us today to learn more insights from your neighborhood.

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