Easy and Effective Digital Marketing Ideas for Spas

Jan 11, 2021

There’s no denying that digital marketing has taken over in the past few years and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. As a spa owner (or any type of business owner), how do you keep your marketing relevant and effective?

Check out our digital marketing tips for spas:

To get ahead in the spa marketing space, it’s deemed necessary to be active on the web, whether that’s a website, social media or email. Through a website, you will be able to educate customers on the necessities, like location details and contact information.

We also suggest customizing your site and making all images and content engaging and appealing. Customers enjoy reading product and service descriptions, as well as captivating photos and applicable beauty tips.

Welcomemat Franchise Owner, Rachele Marsh elaborates on the topic, “high-quality photos of services being performed, as well as products and members of your staff, will allow potential clients to become familiar with the spa before they even walk through the door.”

If you have the time, write a few blogs per month to post on your website with valuable tips and tricks that customers will actually want to read. This will not only make you a credible resource to potential customers but will also help your spa rank higher in Google, ultimately directing more traffic to your business’ site.

Of course you have people finding your spa online but what about those customers that came in for a facial once and never came back? Finding ways to capture email addresses of current and potential customers will give you yet another way to directly market to clients. “Promotional emails are still very effective and will help increase sales,” says Marsh.

Check out some more great digital marketing tips for spas here: All Hands on Tech- How to promote your spa in the digital age

Welcomemat Services offers innovative marketing strategies for spas all across the country. If you’d like to learn more, click here.

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