Small Business Tips from Small Business Owners

Feb 19, 2020

We’re closing out not only our annual conference (check us out using the hashtag #WMSConference2017 !), but reaching the end of Small Business Week. We love our clients and their small businesses – and we love our franchisees, who are running their own small businesses throughout the US! We asked them a big question, and they gave us some big answers… read on to find out

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a small business owner?

“The biggest lesson that I have learned is that it  is very important to give back  to our community. My business has grown by giving of… my time, talent and treasures to non-profits.  While working on a charity event for Habitat for Humanity,  I met another business owner who in turn then supported both the charity event and helped me in my business efforts. By giving  back you get  so much more in return as a small business owner. Most of the really successful small business owners,  I personally know,  believe very strongly in giving back to their community.”

Sharon Barhorst, Bradenton, FL

“It’s not always easy, but it’s always good!”

Chad Trollinger, Augusta, GA

“The degree of confidence and enthusiasm you have about your own business should be so high that it overflows to your staff, customers, family and friends.”
Naila Sfeir, San Diego, CA
“Always do what is best for your customers and prospects… put yourself in their shoes mentally and treat them the way you want to be treated.”
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that while most small businesses have similar difficulties, all of them are unique and have their own problems they deal with.  Make sure to try and understand what a particular business is going through as to not narrow your vision and cloud your judgement.”
“Listen to the market, it is telling you everything you need to know. As small business owners, it is easy to get hung up on what we think our customers want and not be as flexible as we should be. In the end, the goods and services the customers are buying should be the driving force behind every business decision you make.
Don’t be afraid to interact with your customers and ask them questions. You have a focus group walking into your establishment every day and most are happy to meet you. Ask them how they found out about you, what their favorite part of visiting is, if you could improve in any way. A huge majority of your customers will be so impressed with this level of attention, it will keep them coming back for more. “
“Time and money are the two most valuable resources for a small business owner.  While we can’t give away dollars, we can save time. I’ve learned to respect my prospects’ time by focusing my sales efforts on core businesses that have a proven record of success…  This focus on core verticals also saves me time by yielding a higher percentage of signed agreements and, more importantly, these deals have the best chance of long term success with Welcomemat Services.”
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