Social Media Tips for a Better Image

Sep 22, 2020

3 Small Business Social Media Tips

First impressions matter – and your social media is often your customers’ first impressions! Want to keep your social media presence sharp? We have 3 great tips:

    1. Make sure your graphics are on point
      Your mother always told you not to judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest – your visuals are your first impression! Make sure your images (whether profile picture, header photo, or images on your website) are clear, crisp, and match the impression you want to give to your customers – both new and potential. Make sure that your website has a great picture of you in order to give your customers confidence in the involvement of the owner. (For more tips on how to set up a stellar visual presence, see our blog post here!)
    2. Always respond to your customers online
      Have you ever had one of those friends whose communication skills leave something to be desired? Texts might get answered, your voicemails seem to get lost in a dark vortex, and emails are a lost cause? It’s not a great way to inspire confidence – for your friends or your business! Always make sure that someone is monitoring your social media
    3. Post at least one image per week from your actual business
      Want to make sure your customers feel plugged into the life of your business? Feature them! Take photos with your customers as they experience your product.
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