Are you a local business owner? Here’s what not to do!

Mar 9, 2020

There are thousands of articles and insights on marketing blogs that are available online telling you on how to make your local business successful and the things that you need to do.

We at Welcomemat realize the things that you shouldn’t do are equally as important.

Below is a marketing checklist that is a bold DON’T for your business.

Do not micromanage or interfere

There is a reason you hired a new service staff member or that new accountant. Trust them to do their job in a way they can get their own energy into the business. Your job is to delegate, oversee (from a distance), receive reports and make executive decisions when necessary. That’s it. Everything else is overkill, overwhelming, and morale-bashing.

Do not have a “one for all” mentality

Never shy away from a partnering opportunity or relying on outside help to grow your business. After all you want to get as much expertise help as possible. Team up with the best your business can get.

Do not hesitate to praise

Employee morale is very important especially when you are running a tight ship. And you need everyone’s A game.

Don’t try to accomplish everything too quickly.

Little done slowly but perfectly, proves to be much better than a lot of half done things quickly.

Never stop questioning.

Understand, reason out and then act.

Never lose your overall focus.

Do not rely solely only on marketing to drive your business. Marketing is just one of your focuses, a medium. It’s the whole process that counts in the end.

Do not let your ego and emotions ruin business decisions.

When it comes to business, a sharp steady mind is the one that prevails. Let aside your ego and think what is best for your business. Always.

Do not stop trying new things.

Have a closer look at the external forces around you. The world as we know is constantly evolving. And so should your business.

Managing your own business can be hectic sometimes and you need the right partners to rely on.

We at Welcomemat Services can help you better understand what exactly you do not need. Contact us – we can help!

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