Crafting Your Message for Optimal Marketing Results

May 25, 2021

Your 4 step guide to creating a compelling and impactful local business marketing message for your brand that appeals to your target audience.

This blog is the second part of a series, so if you haven’t read our recent post, Local Business Marketing Hack: How to Define Your Audience, be sure to check it out first!

After building off the foundational steps of defining your audiences through personas, it becomes easier to work towards a focused marketing message. Now that you understand your demographics and the motivators that define them, you can build content specific to their needs. Consider creating a separate marketing message for each of your personas in order to create the most relevant and impactful content. See where the messages overlaps, and how you can build a single, overarching brand message for your business.

Pick Your Platform

Know where your audience is already engaging- Don’t try to change their habits, meet them where they are. Consider what they are looking for in that platform, entertainment, education, a story, etc. and how your brand can deliver that for them in an impactful way. Ensure you’re following best practices within each platform for graphics, video, character length, and call-to-action. You’re only going to get a few seconds of attention from your audience, so make it count!

Keep it Simple

A common local business marketing mistake is trying to provide too much information too quickly. You only have a limited amount of time to catch and keep your audience’s attention and too much information becomes overwhelming. Your audience will give up if they have to work too hard to understand what you do and why they need it.

Solution Forward

Always begin with what’s in it for them. While what you do should be clear — your message is more compelling if you lead with the solution that your audience is seeking. Provide simple but compelling stats or tell a relevant client success story. Keep your word count to a minimum and give them just enough information so that they will want more.

Know the Next Step

You can’t give the full pitch in your marketing message, and you shouldn’t. With a compelling and simple marketing message you are going to open the door to a stronger next step. It’s important to know what the next step is and to clearly articulate that in your message through a call to action that is both directive and easy to understand.

Here at Welcomemat, we specialize in all avenues of local business marketing- from direct mail marketing to social media and email marketing specific to your local business and community.  If you’re looking for ways to bring new customers into your business and create a great local marketing strategy CONTACT US for more information.

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