Get More New Customers This Holiday Season

Dec 6, 2021

Whether you are a local business owner or own multiple franchises, you will need to be prepared when the customer rush comes your way.

For mom and pop retailers, this is clearly the biggest showdown of the year.

We’ll help you gear up for the big sale day and help you understand what to expect from this shopping season.

Overfill your inventory.

It is always better to fully stock than to run out during this make-or-break time of the year. Calculate your need by evaluating last year’s sales during this time and adding extra stock on top of those numbers.

Structure reinforcements.

When it comes to staffing during this sale season, it is important to have a full roster. Schedule a tight calendar, bring in reinforcements with seasonal staff, and make your business expectations clear beforehand.

Pre-plan at least one open house or holiday event 

Open houses and events for local businesses are a great way to build relationships, showcase your products, and highlight your services. Host an event ahead of the holidays, give it a nice social media boost and engage with a local community relations partner to help you get the most out of the event.

Create a chart of specials and product discounts that you can push.

Build your menu with short-term specials and promote it well. Specials and promotions are a great way for small businesses to attract customer traffic to their store.

Find the perfect local community partner.

Another important step is to build community relations with a local partner who can help drive your marketing efforts. Identify ways to get more involved with your local community through a marketing solutions partner, local chamber, or another small business. This will give your efforts a much-needed push: the more relationships you foster in your local business network, the easier it is to get new customers.

While you are gearing up for the busy season, also consider partnering with a local community relationship builder to generate those connections for you.

Did you know there are hundreds of new families and individuals that move into your neighborhood every month?

Welcomemat promotes your local business to them via new mover marketing as soon as they move by inviting them to your store—and gives you a chance to turn them into loyal customers.

New movers are 5 times more likely to become your loyal customers. Become their favorite local business before your competitor does.

Talk to us today to gain more insights about your neighborhood and learn how you can build customer loyalty by welcoming new movers to your neighborhood.

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