Growing America’s local businesses one neighborhood at a time

Nov 15, 2019

At Welcomemat Services we strongly believe in the strength and unity that local businesses bring to the local community. Local Businesses across America are amongst the top employers in the country but also contribute to their thriving local community.

New movers to a community are one of the most important patrons that local businesses can target.

New movers are nobody’s customers.

They are 5 times more likely to become your loyal customers.

Find out if you are one of the top searched local businesses by a new mover after they move. 

When new movers feel welcomed to a community, their probability of shopping local increases and this generates a good community vibe that other local businesses can take advantage of. Welcomemat does just that.

Talk to a local Welcomemat representative and see how you can use our new mover program to introduce your business to new movers and welcome them to the neighborhood.

Keeping this in mind, last month we identified America’s Top 25 neighborhoods for small businesses in our annual search for top neighborhoods in the country that are popular for small businesses.

The idea was to recognize local businesses that have contributed to their local community and have also served as an example for the rest by welcoming new movers to their neighborhoods

Business Growth through Direct Mail

We ranked the top 25 neighborhoods based on community vibe to shop local, popularity of the neighborhood, sense of community belonging and more. These highly ranked neighborhoods feature in our list of top places for small businesses.

Did your neighborhood make the list?

Speak to your local Welcomemat representative to see how you can introduce your business to new movers and let them discover your business before competitors take them away!


Scoring was determined by surveying active franchisees in the areas where Welcomemat packages are sent out. Franchisees nominated neighborhoods in their community and answered survey questions based on information that included schools, local vibe, family friendliness, walkability, sense of community, etc. Other ranking data points included increase in movement throughout 2016, Welcomemat redemption levels, income levels of redeemers, age of redeemers. Livability scores from were also used in the calculation. These areas were chosen from the over 500 zip codes Welcomemat delivers to. If full data wasn’t available, averages were used in place. Seasonality was also taken into consideration for mover counts. In the case of a tie, lower income levels were given higher priority in the ranks.

Rocket Fuel for Business Growth

Your Free e-book.

New customer acquisition strategies, member growth and retention strategies, and ongoing brand building can drive revenue and increase the value of your business. Leveraging the right tools and marketing campaigns can be rocket fuel for your business.​

We created this downloadable ebook to give you insights into tools that can be used, measured and tracked.