Need a strong customer acquisition strategy? Here are 5 things local business owners do to improve customer traffic

Mar 3, 2021

The restaurant industry across America is growing faster than expected: sales are estimated to exceed 800 billion dollars this year. Because of this unprecedented growth, there’s just one thing on everyone’s mind.


How do I boost my customer acquisition strategy?

More often than not, we see a local business owner blaming the economy, their business plan template, or their marketing strategy for their failure to improve sales.

Better customer service? Better menu design? Sure, but what these local business owners really need to do is to look beyond the most obvious business techniques and build a unique marketing plan for their local business.


Targeting the right customers is the best local advertising technique

Loyal customers are worth far more than a couple of one-time customers in the long-term. Your business marketing plan needs to revolve around making loyal customers, whether you are a small business owner promoting your business locally or a multiple franchise owner trying to build strong customer loyalty.


Change is the only constant. Don’t kill your business marketing ideas so quickly

Think of yourself as a first-time customer to a local business. Do you visit a local business after seeing their first promotion or advertisement? Probably not. It takes time and testing for any of your marketing techniques to work. If you want to build a strong customer acquisition strategy for your small business, never quit testing unique marketing ideas or advertising techniques that will retain a customer’s attention and build strong customer relationships.

Hold a neighborhood event around the holidays or welcome new families and individuals that move into your neighborhood with new mover marketing techniques. It’s important to incorporate variety into your marketing strategy to target the right customers for your local business.


Move over, business name ideas and menu designs: Build a strong customer-friendly website first

Think of your website as your business card. While you use fancy advertising tools and printing techniques to optimize your menu designs and store displays, it is equally important to have a functional website that is not only mobile friendly but is also full of marketing messages that showcase what you offer. Your website is like your online business card, and it’s where customers will discover more about your business.

Marketing research supports the importance of a strong web presence:

  • Around 90% of consumers search for a restaurant online before deciding to visit.
  • More than 80% of customers see a local business online before visiting.
  • Less than 30% of customers will go to a local business if it has no website.


Welcome each new customer as a loyal customer

Marketing studies say it is costlier to acquire a new customer than it is to keep an existing customer happy. Fostering strong customer relationships is a great marketing strategy because a loyal customer will not only increase your business sales but will also prove to be a great word of mouth tool in your marketing arsenal. Welcome each new customer to your local business as though they are the most high-value customer you have, and you’ll find it easier to foster more profitable customer relationships.


Never stop promoting your local business and acquiring the right new customers

You can use effective marketing strategies like new mover marketing or direct mail to reach new families and individuals moving into your neighborhood.

An effective business plan template or marketing technique requires more than just effective branding and attractive advertisements. Sometimes thinking outside of the box and using marketing techniques that work for your business type are equally beneficial customer acquisition strategies.

Welcomemat is a direct mail solutions program crafted specifically for your local business, whether you’re a salon owner, carwash owner, or neighborhood restaurant owner. Welcome new families and individuals moving into your neighborhood with Welcomemat to build a more loyal customer base.

Get discovered first and become somebody’s favorite local business before your competitor does to see how we can get new customers for your local business.

Contact your local Welcomemat representative today.

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