New Mover Trends for Small Businesses

Dec 18, 2021

As summer comes to a close, there are plenty of trends to watch out for. As a small business owner, you’re likely getting ready for fall fashion, or back to school shopping, auto checks, and haircuts. But did you know that summer is also moving season? Families tend to make their move during those toasty months so that their kids’ schooling can proceed as usual once they’re settled in. We prepped you a few weeks ago on how to bring new movers into your business, but there’s another moving trend we’ve spotted: a north to south migration.

Floods of new folks are moving from up north to down south, following increases in jobs or just looking for a change in climate. So what trends can business owners in the south expect to see with these movers?

Auto Shops

If you run an auto shop, you’re probably used to the typical southern car issues – overheating, a flat tire or two, oil changes. What you may not see very often (provided you’re not in a coastal region) is the rust and damage caused to cars by the salted roads of northern winters. Keep an eye out for the signs of a northern car, and take that chance to welcome a new member of your community!


It’s a well-known fact that summers in the south are, well, occasionally unbearable. Even more so if your clientele has just arrived from cooler climes! Keeping great displays of your favorite clothes for the hot summer months can be a great way to make newly arrived movers feel welcome, and give you a quick way to point out your recommendations if someone asks.


Does your restaurant see a spike in new movers around this time of year? Make sure to greet new faces and suggest something new for them to try – whether some southern comfort food as a warm hello, or just a great meal to welcome them to the neighborhood!

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