Struggling to Use Facebook for Your Business? Here’s What You Need to Do

Oct 10, 2021

Competition and constantly evolving ways to use Facebook as a marketing tool can make it challenging to create shareable, innovative content to help build your customer base.

Let’s take a look at some helpful tricks and trending innovations that you can use to build a strong small business presence on Facebook.

Using emoji’s

Using emojis in your page posts or Facebook image tags is the best way to have some fun with your content. Use them to describe an emotion, mood, or product offering.

Emojis are a great way to add a casual and relatable dose of fun to your promotional content.

Recording live videos

Facebook lets business pages post live videos to share with their customers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share current events and happenings in your store’s “world” and to stay top-of-mind for your customers.

Use videos to share short interviews with your staff and customers, promote a special, or capture a few moments of a special event. Posting live videos helps customers see your store’s unique personality and is a great way to market your small business beyond your product offerings.

Using sponsored ads

Facebook lets you place ads about your business and promote posts that you shared recently. And, with its customized audience options, you can now target just the right demographic for your advertisements to get the most return on your investments.

Facebook even allows you to promote a video on your page. Now that Facebook has integrated with Instagram, you also have the option to show all of your ads on Instagram. This allows you to market your local business to the widest possible audience.

Brainstorming social contest ideas

The three most engaging ways you can interact with your audience on Facebook are:

Clicking a selfie,
Sharing a question, or
Having a “Caption This” contest.

Hold a selfie contest where you reward a chosen customer who posts a selfie of themselves enjoying your product.

Or, engage your audience on Facebook by posting a question and rewarding the top answers.

Another time-tested way to create engaging content is sharing a picture and inviting your Facebook audience to caption the picture for you. Choose the best caption and invite the writer to enjoy a complimentary product or service from your business!

At Welcomemat Services we understand that you take pride in owning and running your own local restaurant.

We also know that, as a business owner, you wear many operational hats and are constantly working to optimize the way you do business.

We’re committed to delivering top trending tips on how to manage your business effectively. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help your business grow with our unique program that introduces your business to new movers in your neighborhood and gives you an opportunity to turn them into lifelong loyal customers.

Welcomemat takes advantage of social media platforms to reach both new movers and small business owners. We reach out to new movers by sharing what’s happening in their neighborhoods, and we connect with business owners by sharing tips on how to better their business.

Check out the pages below for more information on what is going on in the world of a small business owner.


Welcomemat helps your business with new mover marketing and introduces you to thousands of new movers every month. New movers who have just moved into your neighborhood are eager to find their new favorite businesses in the neighborhood. Become their favorite place before somebody else does.

Chat with us today to learn more insights from your neighborhood.

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