Value of Creating a Brand Image – A business Tip for Small Business Owners

Oct 18, 2020

Over time you will realize that brand images come in several forms. Brand image includes both the graphics and visual components as well as dialect, or language used when talking about the brand.

For small businesses, implementing a cohesive brand strategy in both visual and language aspects is so important.  Communicating the ideas, missions, and benefits using the same thread of words and images conjures a recurring picture of the business.  When these are not in sync, the business is easily forgettable, and all branding efforts fail.

As Michelle Mattingly who is the co-founder & Vice President of Operations at Welcomemat Services rightly says, “I think a business that has concrete core values and a purpose will always perform the best at communicating their brand when keeping these central values in mind. This provides a unique voice and sets it apart from other brands.”

Welcomemat helps local businesses connect with new movers in the neighborhood by sending out customized gifts to welcome them. This marketing concept focuses on the mission of Welcomemat, helping others succeed.  The marketing strategy aligns its mission by helping business owners be more successful by getting new customers, and helping new movers have a more successful transition into their new community.

Welcomemat’s focus to help both new movers and local businesses immediately points to the need for a welcoming brand image, and Michelle goes an extra mile to ensure it stays true to the core values and purpose of The Company.

“I have always been very protective of the look and feel of our brand – that it be upscale, simple, and not like other traditional mailing services – and because we work with so many local businesses, of which I am an advocate, I want these small businesses to be well represented.  When they are, they are more successful.

The local businesses we work with are providing gifts and I want their designs to be welcoming, well done and tasteful. I believe that the tangible gifts they are providing to new movers says something about them, and about us.  We are selective about the businesses we work with because they need to be a certain caliber in order for us to approve or approach them to be included in The Welcomemat.

We are working together to help build the look and feel of a local area. First impressions in any business is important for its success, and we are all about first impressions – we are providing the first impression for each business in The Welcomemat packages that go out.

In today’s world being “welcomed” to your neighborhood doesn’t happen very often in person. We bridge that gap and want people to immediately feel a sense of belonging in their new home and community – we want to introduce them to great local businesses and have a successful transition.  The Welcomemat does that.”

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people in the US move every year.

Research suggests that a new mover is 5 times more likely to become a loyal customer.

Welcomemat puts your local business in front of these new movers in the neighborhood and gives you a chance to make a lifelong loyal customer.

Learn more or contact us to see how we can work together to welcome new movers in your neighborhood.

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