Ways to Generate Positive Word-of-Mouth for Your Local Business

Apr 24, 2020

Nothing beats word-of-mouth advertising from your customers! We love word-of-mouth as much as you, and we second every small business tip that has ever been written about the importance of creating word-of-mouth circles for your small business.

As a small business owner, the biggest favor you can do for your business is to spend time generating word-of-mouth advertising and cultivating customer buzz around your business.

This free testimony is more effective than any paid advertising method available.

There are a number of ways that your business can generate positive word-of-mouth from your existing customers:

  1. Go above and beyond to serve them.
  2. Don’t leave it to your employees. Treat the customers well yourself.
  3. Don’t overpromise in ads. Invest in ads to attract customers, but create a positive customer experience to retain them in the long-term.
  4. See feedback as a way to better your service and make someone happy.
  5. Involve your customers more by engaging with them on social media.
  6. Encourage contests and competitions so your customers can “win” something. 

It is important to start converting your customers into fans to generate positive word-of-mouth about your business.

Remember that no small business marketing plan is more effective than a good word-of-mouth strategy.

Welcomemat helps you generate continuous word-of-mouth advertising for your business by welcoming new movers to the neighborhood on your behalf.

Welcomemat introduces your local business to families and individuals who are new to your neighborhood through new mover marketing. You get a chance to welcome them first and form a customer bond long before they even step foot in your store.

We also provide you with demographic and contact information about your new customer so that you can drive your future marketing efforts and generate greater customer loyalty.

Talk to your local Welcomemat merchant to learn more about how to advertise effectively in your neighborhood and how you can connect with new movers to form customer bonds that will fuel your business growth.

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