What is Direct Mail Marketing?

May 23, 2021

For decades, direct mail marketing has been an effective way to market to customers- but which types are most successful?

We explore different types of direct mail marketing below to discover which are most useful for local businesses.

Postcard Marketing

Postcard marketing is using postcards to market a business or service. Postcards are great for grand openings and major promotions as well as brand awareness campaigns. Timing can be determined, and delivery is reliable. You can use postcard mailings for generating interest with prospective clients and remarketing to existing clients. The DMA states that on average, direct mail advertising gives a business a 13 to 1 return on investment. Welcomemat has found that larger postcards with unique graphic elements, tend to garner the highest response rates. Postcards can be even more effective when partnered with segmented data. Welcomemat’s Perfect Match Postcards reach the audience of your choice, broken down by consumer habits, radius targeting and much more. For events and special promotions, postcards can be highly effective.

Every Door Direct Mail

EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is a delivery method used by the US Postal Service for direct mail. With a variety of formats, businesses can send catalogs, calendars, maps or other promotions to a specific geographic audience.  EDDM is optimal for a business to reach everyone in a specific geography and carrier route. At 37%, oversized envelopes have the greatest household return on investment over other mediums (followed by postcards and letter-sized envelopes at 29%). EDDM reaches all locations and people, homes and businesses, along carrier routes to distribute marketing materials. It can be effective if your business is looking to reach customers in a specific geographic location, such as a new development or high-income area.

New Mover Marketing

New mover marketing is the act of reaching new families that have moved with a piece of marketing in hopes of securing their loyalty. This type of marketing is beneficial for businesses who are trying to build their customer base with long-term goals. New mover marketing is an effective strategy for building a new customer network because it focuses on those individuals and families that have changed address and are looking for businesses to fill their daily needs. New movers spend more money in their first six months than a typical consumer does in 3 years. One in five Americans move each year, meaning businesses lose 20% of their loyal customer base, making it critically important to acquire new customers. New mover marketing is the most effective for capturing new customers and turning them into loyal customers for your business. If reached first, these families have 5-6 years of business loyalty to offer. Utilizing new mover marketing continuously, promises an influx of new customers to your business each and every month.


Self-mailers and brochures are typically used to reach new and old customers. The format is self-contained, closed with an adhesive tab, and uses no outer envelope. However, they are widely used to market to prospective customers, as they can include descriptive details and be more visually appealing. Self-mailers are designed so that postage and address information can be printed directly on it. There are fewer labor costs associated with self-mailers because no envelopes are required. Self-mailers can be effective for spreading information about your business with creative visuals.

Direct mail marketing is a tried and true marketing tactic that businesses shouldn’t forget about! Welcomemat’s direct mail marketing tools are that much more effective because of the data integration built into our strategies.

Reach out today if you are interested in incorporating advanced direct mail marketing into your marketing plan!

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