Why Welcomemat’s Direct Mail Marketing Is Successful

Jan 25, 2021

Average direct mail sees anywhere from .5-2% response rates while Welcomemat’s direct mail sees higher rates from 3-20%.

Learn how our technologically advanced approach to direct mail marketing can be an essential local marketing strategy for your business.


Welcomemat’s Direct Mail New Mover Marketing program is specifically targeted to the customers who need you most. Our program will help your business reach all of new families moving into your area. These families have a sense of new hometown pride and are looking to spend with the great local businesses in their new neighborhood.

Our new mover marketing program allows you to target your most likely customer with a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” packet. This highly targeted approach will boost response rates much higher than national averages resulting in higher return.

Unfortunately, the families that are already living in your area have their brand loyalties, that’s why it’s important to target the new families moving in. These new movers have no idea your business even exists, it’s time to let them know! After all, if you’re one of the first businesses they visit in their new hometown, they are likely to become loyal to your business for the next 5.6 years.


Like any other marketing you are doing, you need to be able to track the return. Other forms of direct mail marketing lack the ability to track ROI. In the direct mail space, Welcomemat offers a new mover marketing program and targeted Perfect Match postcards- both with trackability.

With our programs, your business will receive monthly data reports detailing amount of redemptions and even customer information that can be used for retargeting. Welcomemat’s patented response tracking will also give you valuable insight into your customer base.

Each month’s data report will contain a demographic roll up of your most likely customers. This information and insight can be transferred to other marketing your business may be doing. Customer information can be quite valuable for email and social media marketing.


Welcomemat’s direct mail marketing programs were built on technology, trackability and “gifts.” Offering the user a free gift will entice the customer to come visit your business above all others. Putting a gift in the hand of your most likely customers kickstarts a great customer/business relationship.

Giving someone a gift incites the “power of reciprocity,” meaning because your business gave them a free gift they feel inclined to come back and pay full ticket price on recurring visits. Reaching your most likely customer with a “no strings attached” gift could result in a loyal customer for your business for many years to come.

Once customers redeem their gift from your business through Welcomemat, they will receive a second touch “thank you” card to seal the deal. Not only has the customer received a free gift, they’ve visited your business, had a great experience and lastly, they receive a personalized “thank you” card. Personalization and attention to detail is key to direct mail marketing success.


Welcomemat has a full-service graphics team on hand to create awesome designs for your direct mail! The team works diligently to produce unique and engaging designs that generate higher response rates. Engaging art and design will take your marketing efforts to new heights, let the professionals handle it!

As a business owner, you will give us creative direction on how you’d like the piece to look and our team will put together something incredible. Having creative designs will entice customers even more to respond to your mail marketing. Design and creative may just give your mail marketing the leg up that it needs.

All of these great features mentioned above are included in Welcomemat’s direct mail marketing programs. If you are interested in seeing how direct mail marketing can help you grow your business, click here.

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