Winning Formulas for Local Social Media Marketing

Aug 31, 2020

Social media marketing is not a one size fits all marketing strategy. Local businesses are going to find success in different ways than national brands. Using real client case studies, we’ve laid out some common formulas for optimal local social media marketing success.

As with any marketing plan, the strategy is dictated by the goal you set – and social media marketing is no exception. Your goal must be measurable and that means that it must directly connect to a social media metric.

Sure, the ultimate goal of all marketing is to get more customers, raise profits, and grow the business – but it’s often unrealistic to expect a few social media posts to do that directly. Consider foundational goals that will funnel into your larger goals: build brand awareness, drive users to your website, lead generation.

All of these goals are measurable on social media platforms and can serve as the foundation of a campaign that can drive actual growth for your business. As a local social media marketing agency Welcomemat works with clients everyday to help them gain local exposure on social media channels.

We’ve seen local clients with different goals achieve success following these formulas:

Build Brand Awareness

The Garlic Knot Pizza

The Garlic Knot wanted to increase brand awareness and distinguish their personality in the pizza space. We’ve developed a content strategy for them that focuses on engaging & entertaining content but also features relevant information about their food, service, and special offers.

They’ve seen great engagement on their social media platforms and they are getting the attention of customers in the area. A recent string of comments on their post proved the success of the program when a Facebook user asked where The Garlic Knot is located, and they soon learned from other users that it is right by their house.

The Facebook user left the conversation saying, “I’ll have to check it out!” – showing that brand awareness is a realistic goal for growing your business with local social media marketing.

Drive Website Users

Office Easel Promotions

Office Easel is a promotional printing company that wanted to use social media to drive website visitors and reach new audiences. Because they have e-commerce capabilities we understand that the best way to transition social engagers to customers is to get them to the website where they can make a transaction.

We’ve developed a content strategy for Office Easel that creates a story around their products that the user can relate to, then we link back to the product page on the website where the user can transact immediately.

Not only can we track the click through rate directly on social media, but Office Easel can use their website analytics to track the conversion rates. We’ve seen multiple sales directly correlated to social posts, and now Office Easel has the opportunity to create long-term customer relationships that will grow their business for years to come.

Lead Generation


Mathnasium is a tutoring and math learning center for children. We know that they have a very specific target audience – moms of elementary school kids – and that they are not the only tutoring center in the area. In order to distinguish themselves in the marketing place we offered an eBook to their specific target audience with the intention to build creditability, establish value, and gain trust.

Since the user is required to provide their name and email to access the eBook, Mathnasium was able to retarget the users in email campaigns and other more specific social ads.  The campaign has been great for bringing in top of the funnel, interested prospects.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Welcomemat can help you develop a local social media marketing plan fit for your goals then reach out to us HERE. We provide turn key local social media marketing strategy, custom graphics, and ad budget management at a price point fit for your local business.

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New customer acquisition strategies, member growth and retention strategies, and ongoing brand building can drive revenue and increase the value of your business. Leveraging the right tools and marketing campaigns can be rocket fuel for your business.​

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