Postcard Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business This Summer

May 31, 2021

From restaurants to car washes to recreation centers, Welcomemat’s Perfect Match Postcards can help your business reach its most likely customer through segmented targeting.

Postcard marketing is a great way to grow your business this summer.

What is the Perfect Match Postcard Program?

Welcomemat’s exclusive direct mail marketing program uses data models to target consumers in your neighborhood that are most likely to be a loyal customer to your small business.

Is the postcard customized?

Each jumbo-sized postcard is designed exclusively for your business with custom graphics fit to your branding. Additionally, each postcard is customized with the recipient’s name to create a personalized experience when they receive the postcard in their mailbox.

Why are postcards great for summer?

Kids are out of school and looking for things to do. Reach a specific demographic in your area with a targeted offer to bring them into your business and hopefully turn them into a lifelong customer.

How strong are the data models?

Welcomemat has combined our 15 years of proprietary redemption data with the 150+ data points from the top data giant, Acxiom, to develop “perfect match” audience segments for all local business industries.

What is included on the ROI tracking reports?

Each month Welcomemat sends out a data summary report outlining your redemption volume and audience demographics. Use this data to better understand your customer profiles and to track the long-term ROI of the program.

What offers work best?

At Welcomemat, our clients only offer ‘gifts’ to customers. Offering a gift with no strings attached creates the power of reciprocity, making the customer feel so appreciative for their free gift from your business that they’ll keep coming back and spending full ticket price.

Welcomemat’s Perfect Match Postcards see redemption rates much higher than national averages. The customized design and detailed audience targeting are what sets us apart from other direct mail marketing. Utilize our exclusive consumer data to grow your business this summer.

Postcard marketing is an easy way to invite customers in to try your business. Reach out to Welcomemat today to learn more about our Perfect Match Postcards!

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