Up-rise in Car Wash marketing

Mar 24, 2016

By Max Patel, March 21, 2016.


It is that time of the year again- flowers are blooming, trees are blossoming and people are out in their local communities enjoying the Spring air.

Along with all of the exciting newness surrounding Spring comes the pollen. While pollen can affect some people with allergies, it affects ALL people who drive cars by creating a thin green cover on most vehicles. While pollen can be a nuisance to some people, car washes become very busy during this time of the year.

With lines around the carwash, car wash owners can reap the rewards of Spring. Spring also is a time when people are moving into the area and need to find the best car wash. Savvy car wash owners are always looking for ways to invite the new movers into their car wash through innovative ways in order to create loyal customers.

Welcomemat Services has identified car washes as having some of the highest redemptions from new movers than almost any other business category making new movers a lucrative piece of any car wash marketing strategy.

One such story worth a mention is Clayton Gsell who owns a Crusiers Car Wash in Wilmington, NC. Clayton started using Welcomemat’s new mover program many years ago to introduce his business to those newly arriving in the area.   Each time someone moves into his trade area, Clayton welcomes them in with a gift for a free car wash. He believes the car wash marketing program gives him an edge over his competitors as he is the only car wash using the Welcomemat program in the area.

Welcomemat has given him and many other similar business owners a chance to interact with new movers in their local neighborhood and build a steady customer base.

Majestic Car Wash in Fort Lauderdale uses the Welcomemat program to also welcome in new movers. Through the use of Welcomemat’s technology, Majestic Car Wash is able to record insights on new customers and they use those findings to direct other car wash marketing campaigns and local promotions

The Welcomemat program lets new businesses mail out introductory gift certificates to new movers and then allows the local businesses to track customer engagement through a patented bar code scanning technology along with other insight driven solutions.

Some of the most benefitted types of businesses include:



Find out what other businesses have to say about the Welcomemat program.



About the author:

Up-rise in Car Wash marketingMax Patel is our communications manager & helps the marketing team build campaigns & programs for business owners to get new loyal customers.

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