Welcomemat CEO Talks Direct Mail Marketing on the NYSE Floor

Sep 11, 2017

NYSE Interview – Welcomemat’s New Mover Marketing Program

At Welcomemat, we work to help small businesses succeed – and we love to tell people how! So when Cheddar invited us up to the Big Apple to share how a new mover marking program can add rocket fuel to your business, we obviously jumped at the chance. Last week, CEO Brian Mattingly was interviewed by Hope and Corey of Cheddar on the floor of the New York Stock exchange!

You can view the full video here:

Direct Mail Marketing Is Still Relevant Today

During the interview, Brian had the chance to explain the power of direct mail marketing and the fact that it’s still relevant today – and how it can benefit both the business owner and the new mover! While the face of marketing has changed in a big way, the core concepts are the same: an omnichannel strategy that blends direct mail with the use of new digital technologies and big data can bring in new customers while keeping your business top of mind with your loyal clients.

Not only is direct mail still a thriving marketing avenue, it reaches one of the most coveted demographics: millennials. More millennials than ever are responding positively to direct mail and omnichannel approaches, and the Welcomemat program can help your small business stay at the forefront of these client’s minds.

For more details on how Welcomemat’s programs can give your business a boost, you can watch the interview any time here, or visit our website!

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