Welcomemat’s Best Social Media Advice for Your Local Business

Oct 11, 2018

Key takeaways and tangible advice from the Welcomemat Social Summit that will improve your local social media marketing strategy and results.

Recently, The Welcomemat Services Franchise team met for a full-day deep-dive into local social media marketing to discuss how we can bring the most value to our local business clients through the platform. The day consisted of training sessions, brainstorming, and case studies that brought the team together to collaborate and learn.

All in the room agreed that local social media marketing is constantly changing and provides both us and our clients with the challenge of keeping ‘in the know’. At the end of our summit all felt more comfortable and knowledgeable on the topics – so now we’re sharing our key takeaways with you, because we want your local business to thrive!

Check out the list below and gain a few nuggets of knowledge to grow your local business on social media.

1. How much social media content should be original versus found content that’s shared from other social media pages?

20%-30% of found content is ideal for local businesses to provide audiences with diversity of content and to take the strain off your business to always create original content. Found content allows your business to show personality and provide real-time relevant content to break up your ‘marketing’.

2. What is the best social media platform for local businesses?

We understand that local businesses are often pulled in many directions and forced to prioritize down to the minute. If you’re forced to choose one social media platform we understand. Generally, if your business is focused on images then Instagram is the way to go- think salons.

Keep in mind that Instagram does not allow links in the captions, so it may not be the best single option if you’re looking to drive users to your website. Facebook is going to be the best platform if you’re looking for the widest audience reach and driving users to your website. 79% of internet users are on Facebook, making up a monthly audience of 2.23 Billion users.

3. How come my social media posts don’t get any good engagement and I see other businesses that get hundreds of likes and shares on their social posts?

Your Facebook posts will only get about 2.6% organic reach if you do not pay to ‘boost’ your posts. Consider how big your following is and what 2.6% looks like for your Facebook page – also consider that not all of those people that see your post will engage with your post. In order to extend your reach and get new eyes on your post you will need to pay or “boost” your social posts.

4. What is the goal of social media marketing?

Think of local social media marketing as the new ‘word of mouth’ marketing – except now you’re in control of the conversation, can respond to comments, and can connect with the people the are interested in your business. The goal of social media marketing is to create an active community of users and followers that are always talking about your business and therefore more likely to be loyal customers.

Just as in word of mouth marketing, you will also spread your brand awareness and solicit positive reviews. An extra benefit of social media marketing is that you can drive users to your website where they can purchase from your business online – driving sales!

5. How do I build a personality on social media for my brand?

Social media experts say that authenticity is the most important characteristic in a social media persona. Users need to be able to trust the people behind the brand and images that they see on social media.

Keeping your brand ‘human’ and real is going to make you most relatable to users encouraging them to trust your brand – and become customers. Think about what your brand stands for, who you are, and build a personality that is authentic and true.

At Welcomemat we specialize in local marketing options to help local business grow with their best customers. Visit our website to learn more about our local marketing options and our local social media marketing services.

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